Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Wood Elf Army Themes & Testers

Not Many Wood Elves in a Post About Wood Elves

All six test painted revenants

I am most of the way through collecting the wood elf army. And so far, I have managed to stick to my main aim which was a 90's inspired metal wood elf army. I have managed to get a mixture of 90's and sculpted in the 90's figures.  And I plan on adding another couple of different ranges and probably a few more eBay purchases to finish this first phase off. Pictures to follow when I get round to it. 

The best one!

One of the remaining challenges is the wood elf cavalry.  The Elven Lords are a more heavily armoured and armed cavalry unit than the traditional wood elf cavalry figures (particularly the ex-Grenadier miniatures that I am planning on using). Which look a bit  like scouts or light cavalry at best.? I did think about using either the high elf or dark elf models but not really sold on the idea at the moment. However, I quite like the conversions done by Iron Mitten on his blog. The Elven Lords will need to be armed with lances and could be up-armoured with green stuff.

Finally a wood elf in a wood elf article.

So now on to painting. I am sticking to the pale skin colours I used with the Fae and  have been trying out different colour schemes on these revenants. I did find an interesting tutorial on the Citadel painting website (Some Citadel Pale Skin type). Used for the new Citadel Sea elf types (?!).  

My first attempts were a bit too pale and had to be darkened down with a coat of Nuln oil to try and up the contrast. But when I followed the instructions from the video (swapping out  Apothecary white contrast paint which is a pale grey for Gryph Charger grey contrast paint) it looked a lot better. In my defence I didn't have any Gryph Charger grey so thought I would try the Apothecary white instead. 

Also not Wood Elves!

My initial thoughts were for a winter themed colour palette with greys, dark blues and greens. With some dark reds as a contrast.  So, I painted up a series of the revenants as a test. These would also make suitable alternates for an Army of the Dead and beef up my small undead force. 

I do plan to continue to use bronze colours without any irons. This makes them look a bit more archaic in design which fits the bronze age look of both the ex-Grenadier and Celtos figures. With bright silver and gold for decorative items.

First attempt at a winter base

I am now wondering about if I want to change this winter theme and mod it a bit. This was the first time I have used the Citadel snow paint and winter looking theme. I am quite happy with the winter bases on these revenants but I also wanted to try a couple of different base schemes as this can really set an army off. Not thinking that I will use any of the test bases as the main theme but might take some elements. 

Some of these would look quite
good in the Fae army

Something for the Year End

Just started to look at all of
my painted figures this year


1 comment:

  1. They look certainly fantastic, what an inspiring job! I love the bases too, pretty cool job


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