Friday, December 30, 2022

2022 - A Year in Miniatures

 All the Figures in One Place

So, I think this is all of the miniatures from 2022 in one place. Not as many as last year but I am happy there are more quality pieces such as Thorin's dwarves and the high elves. 

Top 3 of the Year

The top three are all ones that pushed my painting skills on a bit such as the zenithal highlighting on the terminator on the work on the faces of the high elf captain or Granny Weatherwax. Overall my favourite is the high elf captain, I think the gold armour really pops. Who was my Golden Gobbo entry this year.  But the terminator was definitely the most fun to paint. 

Honourable mention goes to Bofur. I was very pleased how the quilting of the tunic tuned out. It took several goes,  and was one the first of Thorin's dwarves that I liked the finished result.

What Three Hobby Words of the Year: Shire, Thorin & Elf.

The Grenadier barbarians turned
their service to Saruman

All the old Grenadier barbarians used in Sharkey's rogues gone some form of modification. The guy with the whip had some deformation on the face which I turned into a burn mark. Which fits the evil henchmen look. 

Sharkey's rogues ready for mischief

Shire: By a tenuous route* I ended up painting a complete force of ruffians, extra hobbits, and a few accessories. Followed by starting the Scouring of Shire Campaign. I have been more than a bit frustrated by the scenarios in the sourcebook as most of them seem very unbalanced. Which detracts from the fun of playing them. This was also a problem in the 1st edition of the sourcebook and while they have fixed some of the issues from 1st edition in the 2nd edition them seem to have forgotten to playtest the new scenarios. 

But I did enjoy painting up the figures. 

Thorin:    I had expected to finish off the company of Thorin Oakenshield this year and with a last-minute dash. I have finished all of the dwarves with only Gandalf and Bilbo to complete. This has certainly been a test of my (limited) painting skills and I have certainly learnt from painting them.

Elf:          The other hobby tangent this year has been collecting the wood elves and painting the high elves. What started as an odd figure, or two side projects has become one of the main themes of the year.

*I wanted some buildings for my new city scape photo board, and I redid some old ruffian huts which led onto the ruffians etc. 

Other Stuff 

I also have to mention that I spent a bit of time on fun side projects such as 101 ways to use Hexwraith Flame technical paint and troll tidy ups. 

Have a happy new year 



  1. I believe you can call this a productive and well spent year of good work. Looking forward to your stuff in 2023. Happy new year!!

  2. Really a beautiful selection of miniatures. I really like how you achive a consisten style of painting even over different universes. They look great together!

  3. Many congratulations both for the quantity and for the quality of the painted miniatures. We enjoyed following your progress in various projects, often carried out simultaneously. We wish you a happy new year, equally full of satisfactions for your hobby!

  4. Thanks for the comments. Have a great new year.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...