Thursday, March 3, 2022

Throwback Thursday - Salute 2006

 'Normal' Wargames Show BC*

*BC - Before  Covid!

While I was looking for some other pictures, I came across these pictures from 2006. 

The impressive large scale D-Day landing game.

You can never have too many tanks. 

The Germans attempt to muster a defence. 

One of the many impressive entries to the painting competition.
(Definitely not mine!)

My Sea Harrier chases down an Argentine
Skyhawk during a participation game. 

As it closes in on a Frigate.
Unfortunately I was too late. 

South London Warlords - 28mm Sky Galleons of Mars Game. 



  1. So cool. We all should bring some pics of old from time to time :)

  2. Nice pics. I always enjoyed playing Sky Galleons...usually taking the part of Fenians. I remember Lob Guns were particularly effective.

  3. What nostalgia, the BC era! A period, among other things, in which so many tanks in action were seen in Europe only on the gaming table ...
    Thanks for this blast from the past and the fi-sci diorama of the painting competition is cool: do you remember who the painter was?


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...