Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Thistlewood - Ugrash Ka vs King's Guard

 Making Progress on Thistlewood

Finished off the last three of the King's Guard to complete, the unit of ten necessary for Thistlewood. Also repainted the old (1970s) Ral Partha Hecatron I bought recently, who will be used as Ugrash Ka. leader of the Vile Rune orcs. Given the age of the sculpt by Tom Meier's, it still stands out as a quality sculpt.  

Ugrash-Ka is the toughest character at Thistlewood with a Toughness characteristic of D and 4 wounds. However, he doesn't have very high weapon skill or strength so may struggle to deal the damage against some King Amias' more elite units and characters. 

Grenadier & Fornlorn Knights

I didn't want to paint the new Knights in the traditional silver scheme as they are supposed to the king's guard. An elite unit who are all individuals, hence different colours schemes for each one. 



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I can see why you like the figure, He was great fun to paint and level of detail is excellent and then you realise he was sculpted over forty years ago. Shows how much Tom Meier was leading the way back then. I am not surprised that John Blanche like Ral Partha figures.


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