Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Dwarven New Year

New Dwarves & Some Old Ones

Beginnings of the Guild of Sappers & Scouts

Slowly working my way through the dwarven contingent  for Thistlewood. Who will be  mixed unit of rangers and sappers. 

As readers of this blog will probably know one my favourite sculptors is Mark Copplestone and this dwarf Warchief is one  of his best.  One of his nineties Grenadier figures.  Fortunately still available through Fornlorn Hope. 

He is such a great character that I think he will have to be an additional  named character for Thistlewood. But because the dwarf contingent leader will now be a named character then the elf contingent will also have to have a named character which means the goblins etc. will also need another named character(s). So another project starts to spin out of control. Maybe I will think about this a bit more...

Jorus Dwalinson - Forge  Captain
of the Guild of Sappers & Scouts

Citadel's Talisman Dwarf

Gary Chalk's Illustration for the Talisman game

I thought I will add a picture of this miniature because I don't think I have included him on my blog before and he is one of my favourite Citadel dwarves and the theme of this post has been a bit dwarf centred. The figure can be a bit fragile because of winged helmet so he will probably have to sit out active service. I know this because I also have a broken one (Who could do with a bit of a revamp!)

This is one of the figures designed for the Talisman board game characters based on the drawing by Gary Chalk. 

 ME-82  'The Hobbit' Personalities - Thorin Oakenshield (3 of 4)

And finally one more dwarf, now working to finish Thorin. The detail on this figure is really nice and the inks pick the detail very well. 


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Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...