Friday, January 28, 2022

A Thief in the Night

ME-82  'The Hobbit' Personalities - Bilbo Baggins (4 of 4)

Almost alone in the wilds!

Now completed this little set with Bilbo painted. It is interesting that this only one of two Bilbo* figures produced during Citadel's 80's Lord of the Rings phase with Bilbo dressed for the battle of the Five armies. I don't think I have seen one from GW current Lord of the Ring range but I assume they must have done one!  

* Just realised there is a second Bilbo figure in the ME-34 Hobbits of the Shire set which I will be painting next (once they have been through the paint stripper).  Compared to five different Frodo models from the same time period. 

Anyway Bilbo was a great figure paint and a nice little break before I move onto the rest of dwarf sapper and rangers.

The whole gang.



  1. The figure of Bilbo in helmet and armour is very particular: it appears very small and slender compared to human size (Gandalf) and to that of the dwarves (Thorin). It is probably more faithful to Tolkien's imagined dimensions. It is in line with the standard size of Citadel / Marauder halflings of the 1980s, but much smaller than halflings will become in the 1990s.

  2. I agree, there is a general scale creep across all the races. I noticed it when comparing the different dwarves I am working on at the moment. The plastic ones from Oathmark are very big in comparison to the ones from the 90s.


Death of Lotho

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