Sunday, November 14, 2021

Salute in a Day

 A Day Out in London

Most of my Salute Hoard 

A friend and I managed to get to Salute yesterday for the first time in about four years. And a great time as had by all. Obviously there were some differences  from normal years but they were not all bad - Salute 2022 is now less than 6 months away!  Salute is normally the same weekend as the London marathon, so there are normally lots of fit types wandering about getting registered however  this year as it was in November, the other main event at the Excel centre was ' Destination Star Trek' so there were many people dressed in Star Trek costumes and a randomly, a couple of people from  the film Aliens.  Sadly I wasn't able to get any photographs but some were extremely well done. 

The event looked well attended and was spread out over a much bigger area, so we were able to wander around without bumping into people.  Most of the traders listed on the map were present but there did seem to be a couple of last minute cancelations. However we found more than enough traders and games to keep us entertained for the whole day. 

My biggest gripe of the day was that in the conference hall, the lights had been turned down so it was dim and a bit straining on the eyes after a few hours. I have no idea why as the all the sections outside the conference hall were well lit. 

Managed to get some bargains and show specials including good selection of paints for £1 and the set of fine detail brushes for a fiver. I particularly impressed by a number of companies doing laser cut MDF scenery for good prices which seems to have expanded greatly in the couple of years that we have missed Salute. I picked a Rohan style watch tower for £7.50 from Blotz which I thought was a  cracking price. Plus stocked up on MDF laser cut movement trays and bases. 

Salute 2020 - Battle of Britain

Spitfire & Hurricane Displays

The theme this year was Battle of Britain anniversary (1940-2020) and there were full size replicas of a Spitfire and Hurricane in the display hall.  The Salute mini is sculpted just for the show and there is a short article on its design and commissioning in the Salute magazine. In keeping with the theme it is a  1940's  school boy holding a model plane. As usual it well sculpted but I just can't see me painting it as doesn't fit in with any collection I have.

The Salute 2020 Mini from the magazine

Random Oldhammer

On a random Oldhammer note, I picked a very attractive A5 flyer advertising a display of John Blanche's work at Foundry Miniatures. Its a long way up from the south coast, so it is extremely unlikely that I will be attending but Flyer alone is work displaying. 

The Pictures

A few of the pictures that I took on the day. 

Oakbound's Excellent Trolls -
Which I got and are now waiting for Christmas!
I only just noticed the gruesome remains on some of the troll's bases

Oakbound Elves

Oakbound - Pixie Riders

Fenris Games - New Kickstarter

More Fenris Games

Northumbrian Tin Solder

Northumbrian Tin Solder


  1. Sounds like a good day. I too have the Oakbound trolls, but as yet unpainted. Hopefully I'll be there next year.

  2. Looks like a day well spent! One day I will go as well!

    I had never seen miniatures by Oakbound - they do look very cool!

  3. Thanks

    There are plenty of great miniatures from Oakbound so I recommend checking them out.


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