Saturday, November 27, 2021

Random Christmas Project

 Six of the Best

Whilst browsing the internet, I came across this painting challenge on The Totally Random “6 Paints” Hobby Challenge | Heresy & Heroes (

Basically, the challenge is to paint one random figure with six random paints over Christmas. Now I am just coming to the end of a couple small projects and thought this would be a fun challenge to do over Christmas. 

1. The Figure

The Figure with trusty random number generators. 

So I dipped into figures and stuff box and came out with a Necron Immortal which a friend gave me as part of one those how to play WH40K magazines. I have painted many WH40K figures in the nineties but never a Necron as they didn't exist in the 1st edition rules. 

Now according to the Games Workshop website he should look something like the one below. But given my paint selection this one probably will not!

2. The Paints

Now I randomly selected two new paints on a trip to Hobby Craft today by start/stopping the timer on my phone and choosing the paint which corresponds to the number equal to the hundredth's of second score on the timer.

This gave me a grey from Revel and Deck Tan (Not even sure what Deck Tan is?) from Tamiya. 

Next up was the one metallic colour (maximum of one allowed) which rolled up Shinning Gold on the dice from my current selection of paints. Ironically, I also got this one from an earlier starter WH40K magazine.

A maximum of one shade is also allowed which rolled up Reikland Fleshshade. 

Leaving me with a Humbrol bright red and an old Citadel Enchanted blue from the 'normal' colours in my collection.  Now the enchanted blue is getting a bit dry and may have to replaced by a similar modern colour.  But I will see how I get on first. 

Now white and black can be used to lighten/darker these six colours but cannot be used on their own. I think you will a agree, definitely a random six paints. 

3. The Rules

The 6 Colours Random Mini Hobby Challenge Rules:

  1. Select the mini at random. Use whatever method you wish to make the choice random and not yours or anyone else’s.
  2. Ensure it is a single mini. If your chosen method produces a result that is too expensive, something you have painted before, or you really hate the mini, you can use a single mulligan to change to a different randomly selected mini.
  3. Use any method to randomly select 6 paints. Exclude technical and contrast paints from the challenge, and there is a hard limit of one metallic paint and/or one shade/wash paint.
  4. You are allowed to take a black and a white paint, but you may not use these on their own or unmixed on the mini – they must always be combined with at least one other colour.
  5. You can mix your paints however you like with each other and/or with black and white.
  6. You may pre-base your mini, but you can only use your six random paints and black and white paints to paint the base. 
  7. There’s no official time limit, but try to complete your mini within 2 weeks (just so you never forget which paints you used!)

4. The Challenge

Now I have started to think about paint schemes. Now the obvious choice would be to go for a gold based colour scheme but the point of the challenge is to try different things. So I might go for a red/blue colour scheme making him look more Bladerunner than dark millennium. 

That's it for now on this one, I will start painting over Christmas. Trying to keep to the 2 week target when I start. 



  1. Fun challenge! I have enough to be getting on with at the moment, but this could be a good laugh during the Christmas holidays.

    1. Funny, its much easier to start a new project than finish one!


Sharkey's Henchman

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