Sunday, November 21, 2021

First Salute Buy Finished

 Tomb of Balin

The problem with going to a show like Salute is coming away with a load of new (& shiny) stuff which can push itself to the front of the painting queue. I am trying to feed in it slowly so that I can finish some of the projects I already started. 

However this choice was quick and easy one to get started, a small Sarcophagus from Blotz, MDF Terrain and Accessories. Which as soon as I saw it,  thought of the tomb of Balin.  Now I have played various  games  set in Balin's tomb but didn't have the key feature! At £3 this did seem a must have purchase, although not one my pre-Salute shopping list. But that is the beauty of going to shows is you get to see stuff that you don't expect. 

The rise in the number and quality of MDF terrain in the last couple of years has been a pleasant surprise and I did pick up a number of good looking MDF kits. 

There is one dwarf in Moria who still lives!

As expected this didn't take long to make and paint. Just a standard grey undercoat followed by various washes (Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade and Colia Greenshade) and bit of light grey dry brushing. 

A fun little to start reducing my Salute hoard.


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