Monday, August 2, 2021

A Speedy Dwarf & Nineties WH40K Photos

 A Quick Break

Dwarf Quarreller

I wasn't really focussed on painting anything specific for any of the projects I am currently working on. So yesterday I picked a dwarf who has been sitting on the shelf for a little while. Its a really great sculpt. I think it was done Kevin Adams whilst he was doing work for Harlequin. But not really sure. Anyway it was great fun to paint with a simple base colour, wash, highlight and detail approach. So was finished in two short sessions. A nice break from bigger projects. 

I was going for a no-nonsense dwarf miner with a mixture of browns and good quality metals. 

A Bit Dungeon Raiding

A Small Blast from the Past

Some photos of WH40K (1st Edition) games from the Nineties. Must be some time after WD100 Because WD100 had a big article on Dreadnoughts and the Eldar Dreadnoughts were released at this time.  

I was pretty keen on the Eldar and Dreadnoughts
as witnessed by six I had on my side.
Note  - The upturned rhino which was rammed by an ork buggy.
Which destroyed them both. 

You will notice one of the infamous deodorant skimmers in the bottom right of the first picture. This was one of those games where we  put everything we had on the table (or bedroom floor in this case) and then proceeded to bash the other side into submission. For some reason pretty much all of the games seemed to take place on medieval worlds!

The Yellow Space Marines were mine
(from my own chapter - King Makers).
Whilst the other were a friend's.



  1. Great dwarf, and those pictures are fantastic... bedroom floor battles are the stuff of legends.

  2. Thanks, I reckon we all have played a few of these games


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