Thursday, July 1, 2021

To a Dwarf it was Obvious Really

 Followed by Brute Force & Ignorance

In the Wilderness.

I finished the first of the figures from my Thorin & Company set - Gloin. Unusually for me I haven't decided on the bases yet, So I will paint a few more before I decide. But I am leaning towards a mixture of slate and earth. 

I was undecided on what order to paint these figures, as I wanted to leave the most important/interesting ones to last as they each have a unique character. Which is one of the successes of the films were Tolkien left most of the dwarves without much detail. Peter Jackson & team managed to create an identity for all of them. However the painting solution was obvious, which is to paint them in the family groups so the next figure to paint will be Oin. 

Oin - Kinsdwarf of Gloin

The figure from the set shows Oin raising the staff in both hands, ready to strike.  This is were the brute force and ignorance comes in. I of course managed to snap the staff whilst removing it from the sprue. In my defence it it is one of the thinnest pieces of plastic I have seen on a wargaming figure.  So now it is currently sitting on a Blu-Tack  support while the glue dries to repair it. I decided it would be better try and have the staff aligned before attempting to fix the arms on as they seem very fiddley. A bit of Green Stuff may be needed...  


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Sharkey's Henchman

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