Saturday, July 17, 2021

Wizard's Tower

 Almost Halfway on my Bingo Card

Finished the little wizard's tower I have been working on. The shape was inspired by a yogurt pot which I used as  the base for the stone work. Which was made out of modelling clay that, I found left over from one of my daughter's art projects. The rest was bits of card and coffee stick stirrers. So a very cheap and satisfying project. 


This completes another trio of bingo card squares. I am approaching halfway and the remaining squares are things that I will have to make a particular effort to complete. But that I suppose is the point!

10. Scratch build a piece of scenery. (incorporating a few prefab pieces to kit bash something new and unique counts).

The wizard's tower obviously. 

11. Paint a monster (Fantasy, Sci-Fi; any suitably “monstrous” creature.)

Make up your own joke.

Great fun to paint and a really good opportunity to practise painting skin on a larger miniature. 

12.Convert a model (Can be as simple as a weapon swap, or a re-pose).

A simple arm swap to convert this miniature.


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Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...