Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Defending Orcs Drift

 Bertolac - Wounded Hero of the Grand League

Bertolac at Orcs Drift

My Bertolac figure started life as a City Guard from Grenadier’s Fantasy Warriors Fighting Men (Still available from Fornlorn Hope).  When I decided that I wanted to use him as the human hero, a bit of conversion was needed. I decided on him because has a similar looking figure to the one in Gary Chalk’s picture. I did find an original on eBay for £25 but that is about 4-5 times more than I am willing to pay. Now if I could find him for a fiver…

The Mark Copplestone City Guard

With the original 90's paint job

I managed to find a sword arm in my bits box and did a simple  the arm swap.  However, he has a 20-year-old paint job, but I really like the shield design, particularly the chequer board.  So, I decided to repaint him without  stripping the original paint job. If I can find a suitable feather I will add it to the helm later.

Another excellent Gary Chalk Illustration

'Bertolac has removed his armour, but a shield is at hand giving him a saving throw of a 6. He is armed with a sword. He has a light head injury, giving a -1 on all profile characteristics.'

Bertolac lead the Walking Wounded

Holding the Line.



  1. Beatiful work updating this figure. Glad you kept the shield design!
    I have used the feathers from the plastic high elf spearmen before. They come in twos, but you can easily clip of one of them to have a single one.

    1. Thanks, the hunt for a suitable feather has started on eBay!

  2. Very nice work. I have the original figure in my Italian Wars Venetian army ( alongside a bunch of those Copplestone guards) and had no idea he was so rare! Your proxy works well.

  3. Yes, It still surprises how much some of these figures are selling for. Especially as I had some of them back in the day.


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...