Ready for Battle
Prep continues for the next battle 'The Ruffians Arrive' with both sides using Influence points to bolster their forces with some extra heroes. With Pete finished, I have enough ruffians done and attention turns to the hobbits.
Prep continues for the next battle 'The Ruffians Arrive' with both sides using Influence points to bolster their forces with some extra heroes. With Pete finished, I have enough ruffians done and attention turns to the hobbits.
When Paladin Took* heard about a band of ruffians who had
stolen the prize truffle pigs of Martha Harthbroom (second cousin twice removed),
he considered his duty as a foremost hobbit amongst hobbits to rescue the pigs.
So, he called together a band of brave hobbits and waited until dark.
The hobbits are attempting to recover the pigs without the
ruffians noticing.
*And I had just finished repainting him and wanted give him an outing.
The hobbits are led by Paladin Took, there are four hobbit militia and one archer. Plus local hero Pip Proudfoot (the hobbit with green waistcoat).
There six ruffians with two armed with a bow. Lead by a Bully - One Eyed Ned (in the centre).
Both sides used two influence points to bring an extra minor hero.
The hobbits placed along the southern table edge.
Three ruffians are placed on sentry duty (using the
sentry rules) at the beginning of the scenario with the other three in the
guard hut. The ruffian bully will turn up after the alarm has been raised on a
roll of 5+.
The pigs have a move of 4” and are moved by the player with priority. Unless there is a mini with 1” of the pig in which case take a courage test, if passed then the pig can be moved 2” in the direction of the controlling player. Otherwise the player with priority moves them. Neither side may harm the pigs.
It is a dark night, so hobbits hit on a 5+ and ruffians hit
on 6 for ranged attacks. And the maximum range for bows is 10”.
The hobbits win if they get two or more pigs off the northern table edge. It is a draw if only one pig
taken off the northern table edge.
The first few turns started with the ruffian sentries moving
forwards and backwards as they gained and lost priority. Until eventually the
hobbits made it to the pig pen and one of guards spotted the hobbits.
After collecting two pigs, Paladin decided the time was right and used his point of might to call a heroic move to try and get clear of the ruffians after losing priority. The ruffians then came off worse in the next couple of combats and lost several of their number.
After the battle, the hobbits made off with all three pigs. The ruffian archer who killed three hobbits in melee was promoted to a bully and named strong armed Pete. And one-eyed Ned made a full recovery but had to use an influence point to recover his point of Fate. Paladin managed to get the 5+, so recovered his point of Might for free. None of the characters had gained enough experience to roll on the experience table.
So, this scenario is played exactly as described in the Sourcebook. Where a group of ruffians attempt to cross Farmer Maggots farm on a dark and stormy night. The farm is guarded by Farmer Maggot's three hounds and eventually Farmer Maggot is roused himself by the sound of their barking.
I played the scenario using the updated rules from my
previous play through (three minis are held in reserve on both sides and
two of the villagers gain a bow). The ruffians were definitely luckier
getting their reserves with all three arriving before any of the reserve
villagers showed up. One reserve turned up on a roll of a 5+ each turn after
the first turn.
Both sides advanced, and the villagers had the best of the
play in the first turn of battle with one ruffian shot and two ruffians taken
down in melee. With no losses in return. All of a sudden, the ruffians were
under pressure. This was a disastrous turn for the ruffians.
The ruffians with the aid of their reinforcements managed to whittle down the villagers but the Betty the barmaid proved to a be formidable opponent, taking down two ruffians including one burly brute with a whip.
I recently bought a light box studio (from Green Stuff World - during the sale) to see if I could improve the pictures usually I take of my minis. Now, these are still taken with a trusty iPhone 11. I have had a bit of play with the settings and overall I am pleased with the results.
Bill is in Trouble Again This is another one of those scenarios that feels very unbalanced even with my standard changes to the troops. The...