Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Advent Day 24 - The Big Boss

 Finished Advent for 2024

So, I managed to avoid the chaos of Christmas Eve for a few hours and start on the Huldraugur. 

According to Geoff from Oakbound 'The Huldraugur are a race from The Woods world. They're semi-human conduits for a parasitic void-entity.' and they should have wings!




  1. He looks good and grim! They don't all have wings... He's clearly just capable of levitation.

  2. I've missed a few updates, I'll catch up now, but for the moment I have to say this is highly enjoyable!!


The Uprooting of Bagshot Row

Bill is in Trouble Again This is another one of those scenarios that feels very unbalanced even with my standard changes  to the troops. The...