Saturday, September 28, 2024

This Is Getting Ridiculous!

But Once I Noticed it...

I had finished this goblin and I was perfectly happy with the final result until I noticed he was missing his finger nails. So, I just had to go back and paint them in. When I returned to painting  a couple of years ago, I was struggling to paint simple details let along adding more!

Anyway a quick job to sort out this very minor problem.  

Oh bugger - I may have to go back and sort some elves out as they would obviously have some nice manicured nails. 

Been away for work for the last couple of weeks  and when I got back to some painting today. The paint in the wet palette was still usable! That has got to be some kind of record.



  1. Haha, going back to paint nails! You are infected and beyond hope! And I love it so much!


Advent Day 21 - Sixteen Done & One to Go

 Somehow I Seem To be a Day Ahead of Myself! So, I have painted ten gobbos and six gnomes, but I should have only painted fifteen minis by t...