Sunday, September 29, 2024

Hitting the Target

Its Been a While

Not mini painting, but I finally got round to getting the archery kit out and shooting a few arrows. This was the best end of six arrows. I even got some arrows in the yellow. 

Not all shots were that successful! The arrow at the bottom was a real bugger to get out. 


Saturday, September 28, 2024

This Is Getting Ridiculous!

But Once I Noticed it...

I had finished this goblin and I was perfectly happy with the final result until I noticed he was missing his finger nails. So, I just had to go back and paint them in. When I returned to painting  a couple of years ago, I was struggling to paint simple details let along adding more!

Anyway a quick job to sort out this very minor problem.  

Oh bugger - I may have to go back and sort some elves out as they would obviously have some nice manicured nails. 

Been away for work for the last couple of weeks  and when I got back to some painting today. The paint in the wet palette was still usable! That has got to be some kind of record.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Colours 2024

No I Can't Say It

Its September so I can't say that word, but I did buy the Oakbound Advert Calendar to use in the 12th month. Something to get me through the enforced festivities.  

First time, I have had an advert calendar for a little while... And something I have been keen to get for a little while. 

I managed to pick a number of really great bargains at Colours (more to follow), and some very fun looking games. I haven't been over to Colours for a good few years and it is the first time I have been to the Newbury race course venue. A great little one day show.

A great looking Burrows and Badgers game. I really must get some of these minis. 

Some of the other items that caught my eye. 


Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Opposite of High Elf?

Goblin of Course

I am beginning switch from the high elf painting streak and move onto something else. And I wanted something face off against the high elves on the tabletop. So, decided on some Oldhammer goblins which will also go very nicely with the classic C20 trolls. 

For what ever reason this particular first goblin seems to appear rather regularly on eBay and I think it is a cracking sculpt. 

Latest batch of high elves and probably the last for a bit...

Separated at birth, not the first time I have painted this mini. 

Next goblin on the paint table, I pleased how the skin tone worked out. I am going for a smoother transition. 


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Rings of Power - Episode 4

 Finally a Bit of Action 

As always the look of the show has been excellent but it has been lacking some serious action. And it felt then finally might be about to start to change. As war is coming and a couple of nice fight scenes.

One of the things that Game of Thrones managed so well was big battle scenes but the Rings of Power has struggled to convey the sheer epic-ness of the source material. Given the budget they just couldn't convince me it wasn't a hundred extras in a field. 

Lets be honest Tom Bombadil went much better than may of us had feared. 

Ok so this isn't a glowing review but I have hopes for a grand finale to the season. And unlike House of the Dragon we may get a big battle to end the season. 


Saturday, September 7, 2024

No Painting?

 But There Is Always Beer!

Not much time for painting at the moment but at least I am getting to enjoy the beers of the world. 


Ruffians Beware

 Game 2 - Farmer Maggots Farm So, this scenario is played exactly as described in the Sourcebook. Where a group of ruffians attempt to cross...