Monday, April 8, 2024

Goblin Town Battle 4 - Guard the Crossing

The Dwarves Finally Win One!

So, finally a scenario which generated a bit tension with Thorin & Co. only just holding on to take the win. In this scenario Thorin and Co. are holding the line and trying to stop the goblins getting past them (ten goblins in ten turns to win the game). In the end they only managed to get goblins five off the table. 

The dwarves didn’t win the initiative at all during this game and so had use some Might to call some heroic moves. But on the other side the Goblin King didn’t turn until nearly the end and failed his Courage test to charge Thorin. 

As expected, Orcrist causing Terror held the goblins up for several turns, as twice both goblins at the front failed their Courage test and bottle necked the rest following up. Dwalin didn’t have a great game and in the end fell under repeated goblin blows and Balin was left with just one wound. 

The third scenario (Brothers in Arms) was a complete wash out as the goblins were able quickly surround the dwarves and with the scribe pilling loads of goblins every turn it didn’t ever look achievable for the dwarves. 



  1. I'm finding these short reports quite interesting and I love how much fun you're having with these! :)

    1. This one I could definitely play again without changing.

  2. Engaging adventure and interesting report: it reminds us of the spectacular scenes from Jackson's film. We would have liked some more photos, but we understand that in the excitement of the game you can't get lost in these details...
    P.S.: R.I.P. Dwalin


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...