Friday, February 16, 2024

Very Vintage Half Troll Champion

 Asgard Troll

Quick change of pace from normal, given the vintage sculpt (it is a recast by Alternative Armies from  their excellent Asgard range), I decided to go back to my 'traditional' methods of painting, which is to wash, highlight and wash again. All be it with modern paints. 

Using a mixture of Citadel shades and contrast paints. It was a quick mini to paint and overall I am happy with the effect. If I was painting him again I would probably try and make the skin even paler. 

He seems to fit in very well with the Oathmark goblins and so will make a suitable unit leader. 

All the scenic materials were applied directly to the base. So, I didn't have to paint the base which was of course much quicker. It looks ok, so I may do that again. 



  1. Love your skin tones and colour scheme you went with! I hadn't twigged that Alternative Armies had a bunch of Asgard minis now.

    1. Alternative seems to be making steady progress on bringing back the Asgard range. There are still a few I am waiting for 😀...

  2. He looks suitably imposing! Really nice colour choices too. I'll have to go take a look at AA's website now!


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima ...