Sunday, February 25, 2024

Free Bosham Car Wash!

 Save a Pound but... 

Now, I don't normally post on topics not directly related to the hobby. But occasionally am off-topic post is needed. A friend and I stopped at Bosham harbour for a well deserved coffee after a MTB ride. With tide coming in, the harbour side car park was filling up and someone had forgotten to move their car! Attempts were made to find the owner but to no avail. 

I recommend to pay the £2 to park in the nearby carpark if you come to Bosham harbour. As that doesn't flood. 

Now this second picture is only 30 minutes after the first picture. Proving that the tide comes in fast! In case you are wondering there are plenty of signs warning that the tide floods the impromptu carpark and adjacent road on every tide.  It would be fair to say that the owner was entirely happy when they returned to car a little bit later. 


Anyway I have managed to paint a couple of minis including this repaint of Goldberry. Which I found surprisingly tricky because of the simplicity of the mini. There really very little detail and she is very uncluttered (for GW mini especially). Meaning that the dress needs to be blended smoothly. 

After hunting round my paints, I found this green in a twenty year old pot of Humbrol paint. Whilst certainly an improvement over the first attempt. I am still not quite happy with the final result. So, will probably wait a couple more years, like I did between the first and second paint jobs. 


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Home Improvement - The Reveal

One Barrow Upgraded

After a generous amount of scatter and grass tufts, the barrow entrance looks a lot better. I also gave it a couple of skull entrance poles to give it the homely look. 


Sunday, February 18, 2024

Beachhead 2024

A Day Out Beside the Sea

After missing Beachhead last year it was good to get back this year. And the weather was considerably better than the last time I attended.  Beachhead had the usual mix of traders, display games, competition games and special events. Although I thought the mix of traders included too many traders just selling RPG dice. Often with a great deal of overlap on the dice for sale. 

I did buy a few minis but it was mostly hobby supplies such as paints and brushes. And this regard Beachhead has a good selection of traders.  

All sunny on the South coast

This Age of Sigmar troll army caught  my eye. 
Proving that Citadel still makes some great minis. 

And this dryad army also looked really good. 

As usual the titan guys turned up with so many titans. 

There was a big display by a group of Star Wars reenactors which was very well done. Probably should have taken more pictures!

Truly impressive the amount of detail on these 10mmm minis from Rok.

Played Wings of Glory at the show for the first time. I thought it was a great game and the dice less mechanics were were excellent. My Fokker DR.I Triplane managed to take out one of the Sopwith Camels before being shot out of the sky. 


Saturday, February 17, 2024

Home Improvement

Fog on the Barrow Downs

I built four of these barrow entrances a couple of years ago when I was in a very minimalist painting phase* in order to play the MESBG Fog on the Barrow Downs. The one where the four hobbits are chased by the Barrow wights and rescued by Tom Bombadil. Anyway I decided I needed one for a Hawk the Slayer scenario. And after gap of  4-5 years, its now time to do some actual painting on this one. 

*The stones in walls are actually rock textured wallpaper stuck onto foam card. I didn't even paint the edges. I told you it was a very minimalist painting phase!

Friday, February 16, 2024

Very Vintage Half Troll Champion

 Asgard Troll

Quick change of pace from normal, given the vintage sculpt (it is a recast by Alternative Armies from  their excellent Asgard range), I decided to go back to my 'traditional' methods of painting, which is to wash, highlight and wash again. All be it with modern paints. 

Using a mixture of Citadel shades and contrast paints. It was a quick mini to paint and overall I am happy with the effect. If I was painting him again I would probably try and make the skin even paler. 

He seems to fit in very well with the Oathmark goblins and so will make a suitable unit leader. 

All the scenic materials were applied directly to the base. So, I didn't have to paint the base which was of course much quicker. It looks ok, so I may do that again. 


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Oakbound Pixie riding a Giant Stag Beetle

A Post that Does Exactly What it says on the Tin

Spent a nice relaxing session this afternoon, painting up a Oakbound Pixie rider riding a giant stag beetle. The giant stag beetle comes from Ral Partha Europe. The Pixie riders come with badgers from Oakbound but I thought they would look would look good on some alternative mounts. So, last time I ordered from RPE, I added the stag beetles. It has taken a while to paint the second one up, hopefully the third one will be a little quicker!


Feb 2024 vs. Dec 2021


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Army on Parade - Moria Goblins

Side Project Done

With the bat swarm completed, this side project is done, With exception  of the bat swarm (which was from Ral Partha Europe for £5) all of the extras came out of the pile of plastic. So, the whole project only costed me a £5. 

And with the bat swarm excluded could I use this army in a GW store? All of the minis are Citadel and clearly identifiable based on the descriptions in the rulebook... All be it done by Cheapside Industries a.k.a.  me. So, not the 'official' minis for the specialist units like the Black Shields. But Citadel minis all the same. 

Once I started rebasing the heroes it was inevitable that I would end up rebasing all of the goblins. The troll was a bit too obvious to escape a repaint. 

The extra couple of Black Shields which takes 
the warband up to seven plus a captain. 

The war drum was quickly made out of green stuff
 as were the bone drum sticks. 


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have Grima mi...