Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Strong Tone vs. Nuln Oil

 A Clear Winner

After trying out Strong Tone earlier in the year and not being impressed, the Oathmark Goblins sat at the back of the paint bench for a couple of months (See Crooked House, Rangers & Strong Tone ). So it was time to give the goblins another go, this time with a better colour palette and a Nuln Oil wash.

I am much happier with the result. As I have 30 odd to do, this needs to a reasonably fast army style painting scheme. Where I can use the wash to do the heavy lifting. So after a quick bit of dry brushing and a few details picked out. One goblin done (once the shield has been finished)in just a few minutes.  

The strong tone coated goblin has been given a coat of Nuln oil and a coat of Agrax Earthshade and looks much better for it. 

Strong Tone (left) / Nuln Oil (right) 

These Oathmark goblins look more like LotR orcs than goblins to me. Not that is an issue but they were originally bought to bulk up the Black Sun goblins for Thistlewood. 

A Lonely Goblin or Orc?

Perhaps he was happier alone...


Friday, March 25, 2022


 Not the AD&D Kind

This is becoming a bit of a bugbear for me, I am quite happy with the paint job on the elf but I am not happy sticking the pre-slotta figure on top of a slotta base. It just doesn't look right to me.  Obviously I can build up around the pre-slotta base. But it just looks like he is standing on a little hill. 

So I chopped out the centre of a slotta base and built up the inside with a bit of Milliput. Unusually the elf's sword goes below the top of his base. So a bit of careful positioning was required. Fortunately this is not really a big problem and easy to fix. 

This was also a chance to try some of the new paints, I bought at Beachhead. So I used Citadel contrast - apothecary white for the whites and Scale 75's Caspian blue which is the darker of the two blues. Both have come out alright. But I can't see me using apothecary white for large areas as does seem it could be a bit patchy on larger areas. 

Something not quite right. 

Scale 75 Caspian Blue was used on the  jacket. 

That looks better

He is an early eighties High Elf from Citadel. 

Citadel C08 - High Elves (circa 1984) 

He was originally bought as a stand-in for the Wood Elf captain Erdolas Thringal at Kachas Pass. Of the Bloodbath at Orc's Drift fame. In our game,  Silas Meel was escorted off the table, but Thringal went down with the remainder of his elves. 

Captain Thringal holding the centre
(Mark One Paintjob) 

The final stand. 

Starting point of a warband?

I may have to do some rebasing...


Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Bit Vexed

 Work on the Wood Elves

I picked up a useful number of wood elves at Beachhead last month from Battlezone Miniatures. Now these are a good value buy at £6 for 5 metal figures. But one thing was bothering me and it took a while to figure it out. A number of the archers seem to be missing the top of their bows. It looks like they were deliberately shortened. Presumably to make them easier to cast? 

Now like I said, at just over £1 per figure  I still think they are excellent value but it does vex me!  Anyway they will continue to form the core of the army now that they no longer are suffering from a shortened condition. 

It vexes me

Not a great picture but
you get the point. 

Anyway work is progressing on the wood elves. Numbers wise I am half way through the starting army list. As I have a few doubles from the Battlezone.  I plan on a few simple conversions such as shield swaps and a bit of light Green Stuff changes / improvements.  As you can see, I now have a few  plastic bases in addition to my home made examples. 

The Elven Warhost so far...

WFB 3rd Ed. 

And Another Thing

One of the side projects I wanted to complete was the excellent Oldhammer elemental set when first started recollecting Oldhammer figures a few years ago. When the first fire elemental was painted twenty five years ago. It was just painted how I thought it should look at the time. 

When I reacquired the fire elemental a few years I painted using a sort of reverse highlighting technique I saw on the Citadel painting website. And I am still undecided on which figure looks better. I am tempted to strip the figure and try again with a couple of years more experience...

C34 Elementals - Fire Elemental 2020

C34 Elementals - Fire Elemental 1995

Friday, March 18, 2022

Time for a Small Update

New Banner

Never really been happy with the first banner for this blog. When I set it up, I couldn't quite get the picture sized right. Blogger can be quite clunky at times. The second one is a bit of an improvement and shows off some of the figures that I really like and have painted since starting the blog.  It's still not quite right, but back to the painting for now. 

Banner Mark 2

Banner Mark 1


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Time for Nanny

 Not Sure if I have Finished Her?

This is one those perennial painting questions. When to stop. Especially if you think you may make a worse job second time around. It is possible to just over do it. So I will take a bit of time before deciding if to add some more paint. 

This is turning into the month of the witches, so I may just paint up the third one from the pack. 

Not decided if I want to do more on the face. 

In their clearing above the forest the witches spoke thus 'I'm babysitting on Tuesday,' said the one with no hat but a thatch of white curls so thick she might have been wearing a helmet. ' Our Jason's youngest. I can manage Friday. Hurry up with the tea, luv, I'm that patched'

Nanny's first words - Wyrd Sisters

Nanny Ogg sat back. There were thirty-two of crowing age (Cockerels), she knew. She knew because she'd worked it out last night - tonight- and had give Jason his instructions. She had fifteen grown-up children and innumerable grandchildren ad great-grandchildren, and they'd had most of the evening to get into position. It should be enough. 

Nanny proving that she is just as cunning as Granny and an equal partner in the coven. 

Also did a quick job on five skeletons.
To finish the Thistlewood skeleton unit. 

Interesting to compare them to the classic citadel skeletons/


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Zenithal & Bloomers

Carrying On with Stuff

Having put the first washes on Nanny last night. I was able to start work on the detailing. I have just started the third of the Witches Novels - Witches Abroad. Both witches clearly are wearing red and white bloomers in Josh Kirby's cover painting. And whilst I can't see Granny approving of such frivolity, I think the red and white bloomers will suit Nanny to a tee. Although I have had to paint them vertically so they can be seen. 

Nanny always did like to show off.

Josh Kirby's excellent cover for Witches abroad. 

In the absence of a white spray can, I decided to try drybrushing with white done only from top to bottom. It looks ok. 

Now with added whiteness

White has improved this one as well 


Monday, March 14, 2022

First Attempt at Zenithal Highlighting

 New Techniques

I thought I would try zenithal highlighting as a new technique to try (& complete a square on my bingo card. As I have seen it used on a couple of other blogs and thought it would be fun to try. It also seems a effective way to paint ghosts etc. 

These two were done with a grey highlight over a black primer with a couple of spray cans. I think I also need to get some white spray to finish them off. The genestealer was done first and I think I used too much grey. So may start again with him. 

Eowyn came out well. 

I especially like the shading on the cloak. 

Feels like I overdid the grey on the Genestealer

Other Stuff

Still working on bloody handed Annie and Nanny Ogg when time permits. 

Trying to add blood splatter, but may have
overdone it. Still she does need to have a bit of blood. 

Learning the Rules

As part of my attempt to get to grips with the rules, I have put together a couple of small warbands for the Woods. Hopefully I will publish a progress report a bit later. 

Grog & the Red Claw Goblins

My Proxy Leprechaun warband. 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Throwback Thursday - Salute 2007

 Dioramas, Daleks and a Bridge Too Far

I haven't much time for hobby stuff this week, as work continues a pace on getting ready for the new kitchen. But I did manage to sort though my photos from Salute 2007. Unfortunately some later Salute pictures were lost when one of my old computers caught a virus.  

Big Boris starts a fight

A really impressive fantasy diorama.
I can't remember  why it was at Salute. 

This was slap bang in the middle of the David Tennant era.
When the new Doctor Who was a great family favourite. 

J & I, Loyal Subjects of his Majesty search  for pirates
 in a participation game.

Pirate ahoy

Alas our seamanship is not good enough.

and the pirate escapes...
Great game though

One of the wow displays that year

And a bridge too far. 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Granny's Ready To Do Some Magic

 Sunday Night Session

Nice little session to finish off painting Granny this evening. Now I can start on Nanny Ogg who will have a bit more colour. 

'So can you fix my broom?'


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have Grima mi...