Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Uprooting of Bagshot Row

Bill is in Trouble Again

This is another one of those scenarios that feels very unbalanced even with my standard changes  to the troops. The hobbits can only win by slaying Bill and he has no incentive to move. So, I also decided to the change the victory conditions. 

Like Bill's first scenario (Skirmish in Bree) he must  cause at least two casualties before the game finishes to prevent a draw. After all, Bill has to make up for being beaten off the bridge at the Brandywine river. 

With even numbers of minis on both sides, these scenarios are just too heavily weighed towards the ruffians. 

Prior to the Battle

The ruffians had a great reinforcements roll and managed to call two minor heroes - Brutus and Strong Armed Pete. So,  they decided to save their Influence points for later games. 

The hobbits managed to bring three hobbits armed with staffs, two had 'picked up stones' and a minor hero - Alf Grubb. Given the fierce opposition, Influence points were also used to bring Pip Proudfoot. 

The Battle

The ruffians are deployed around Bagshot Row and the hobbits are approaching from the south. The hobbits on the left flank attempted to use the cover to minimise shooting from the ruffians. While the Gaffer leads the bulk of the hobbits down the right. 

But eventually both sides met and battle was joined but not before the ruffians managed to stomp on all of the Gaffer's flowers*. The staff armed hobbits certainly helped the hobbits on the right flank. But Pete and Brutus were doing a successful job in beating down the hobbits on the left flank. 

* I am certainly glad I didn't spend a lot of time making them and they are £2-3 each for the official ones.  

Pip proving that he is not easily target for Sharkey's rogues and managed to score a wound on Brutus but he managed to save his Fate roll. The hobbits also wounded Bill (and he also  was saved by Fate) but the causalities were mounting up on the hobbit side. 

NB- The game ends when the hobbits are reduced to 25%. 

With eight casualties, the hobbits passed their Morale tests but one more casualty would finish the game. Bill had only caused one casualty, so he needed to cause one more casualty by the end of the turn.  

Pip was not so lucky facing Strong Armed Pete and fell to blows from the burly henchman. But Bill lost his combat and game was a draw. 

After the Battle

The Hobbits

After the battle, Pip made a full recovery and gains Fell Sight.

Alf lived up to his Nickname and gained a point to his Fight value. 

The Ruffians 

Strong Armed Pete proved that he becoming battle hardened and  gained a point of Courage. 

And finally Brutus gained a point of Strength which fits his giant stature. 

So, with the changes to the victory conditions and the enhancements to the troops, this was much a closer game than the original. With both sides having chances to win the game. And the first draw of the campaign. 



  1. Nice! This is getting so interesting! Pretty cool encounters. This campaign shows that you don't need epic 10.000-warrior battles to produce interesting results and to have fun. Keep on!

  2. Another nice skirmish game!!

    I have a question or two, and 100% genuine, not taking the mick.
    You say the games are not balanced?

    1: Is that the point do you think? (though if so it would make for a not very fun game?)

    2: Are you 100% you have the rules right, or could you be missing something that would make it more even?

    I don’t know the system at all so have no idea, I am just genuinely curious.


The Uprooting of Bagshot Row

Bill is in Trouble Again This is another one of those scenarios that feels very unbalanced even with my standard changes  to the troops. The...