Friday, March 14, 2025

Finishing a Project

Radagast Done

Radagast was the last mini to be painted in order to complete the 'Escape from Goblin Town' box set. And so completes this project. 

A couple of finished shots of Radagast.

More Ruffians 

Finished off the first of my new ruffians, to boost Sharkey's bullies and rogues. Ready for the next battle. 

And Because it is Friday Night



  1. Absolutely fantastic job, congrats on finishing the project! Cool ruffians too, looking forward to more

  2. Congratulations! Such a beautiful sight to have the complete box finished like this!


Finishing a Project

Radagast Done Radagast was the last mini to be painted in order to complete the 'Escape from Goblin Town' box set. And so completes ...