Friday, October 6, 2023

Lackeys & Hangers On Finished

 Next Group Ready for Painting

Finished off the next group of mostly Slann army figures ready for painting.  I just had to add the spider's victim as I just wanted to paint it. Maybe it could be an objective marker? 

I had great fun with the attendants for mage. And think I will do a few more later as such an important character would have a few more such as scribes, bodyguards, soothsayers and others I haven't yet thought up. 

First is Tanqecl-Tlo'ectlutl's pet and his keeper. The mini started out a fan bearer but the pose looked a bit too dynamic for slave expected to keep his master cool with a  giant fan. So, after look round the bits box I found this old familiar from Reaper Minis. Whilst the cast is ok, the plastic is very soft and the mould lines quite bad. Even with a very sharp blade on the craft knife it took a long time to remove all of the flash on a small mini, I am not sure what the familiar is supposed to be but I thought it had a bit of a magical look about it.  

Looking at the two other humans, I may give him a banner pole as well. 

Next up is holder of the enchanted mace 'Thunder Breaker'. Tanqecl-Tlo'ectlutl's personal weapon when a few enemies need smiting.  Quite a lot of different bits and a couple of attempts were needed to put this together. This is probably the attendant I am most happy with at the moment. 

A group shot of the four attendants. The fourth one is a Brigade mini Fomorian Siren from their Celtos range. Known as simply as Imp, she acts as personal sushi chef. If Tanqecl-Tlo'ectlutl spots something tasty whilst on safari. Imp's job is to shoot and prep it ready for immediate tasting. 

Army list updated with extra minis. 

And finally I removed the odd skeleton's head and added a more suitable halberd. Now on with the beer. 


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