Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Parliament of Owls & Tricksters

Leprechauns Sneak Out 

Work continues on the leprechauns and their familiars - the owls. I decided to use a bright yellow to tie all of these models together either with an item of clothing on the leprechauns or yellow flowers with the owls. Obviously haven't gone down the Grimdark or grubby earth routes as I wanted them stand out in their bright colours. Particularly pleased with the face of the leader under his hat. 


Thursday, July 20, 2023

Back to the Paint Bench

Starting the Leprechauns and Other Stuff

Just returned from my holidays which was very relaxing but didn't offer much opportunity for wargaming stuff except to catch up on some YouTube videos and blogs. However, I did come back with a plan which is to paint up the Leprechaun warband from Oakbound plus Boris the Dunce. Boris is needed stop the warband totalling 13 which doesn't feel right for the lucky leprechauns.  

Anyway, first leprechaun painted in the traditional greens and yellows.  I am not sure if the other might have some different colours. 

Once the leprechauns are finished I will move onto the wood elf cavalry and whilst on holiday I did manage to find these cocktail sticks which made me think wild elf lances. And even if they don't, I reckon they could come in handy for a Chaos warband. 

A quick spirit to finish off the first elven animal hander which completes the first wood elf unit. 


Saturday, July 1, 2023

More Tanks

 And Even More Tanks from Tankfest

Not really a tank but a concrete bunker on wheels. Built for airfield defence in the case of German paratrooper attack. 

This Vickers Mark II really captures the transition between WWI and WWII tanks for me. Even the small Mark VI (the next tank below) looks a lot more modern in comparison. 

I don't think this was a real paint scheme?? but done for World of Tanks. 


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have Grima mi...