Saturday, March 15, 2025

The Uprooting of Bagshot Row

Bill is in Trouble Again

This is another one of those scenarios that feels very unbalanced even with my standard changes  to the troops. The hobbits can only win by slaying Bill and he has no incentive to move. So, I also decided to the change the victory conditions. 

Like Bill's first scenario (Skirmish in Bree) he must  cause at least two casualties before the game finishes to prevent a draw. After all, Bill has to make up for being beaten off the bridge at the Brandywine river. 

With even numbers of minis on both sides, these scenarios are just too heavily weighed towards the ruffians. 

Prior to the Battle

The ruffians had a great reinforcements roll and managed to call two minor heroes - Brutus and Strong Armed Pete. So,  they decided to save their Influence points for later games. 

The hobbits managed to bring three hobbits armed with staffs, two had 'picked up stones' and a minor hero - Alf Grubb. Given the fierce opposition, Influence points were also used to bring Pip Proudfoot. 

The Battle

The ruffians are deployed around Bagshot Row and the hobbits are approaching from the south. The hobbits on the left flank attempted to use the cover to minimise shooting from the ruffians. While the Gaffer leads the bulk of the hobbits down the right. 

But eventually both sides met and battle was joined but not before the ruffians managed to stomp on all of the Gaffer's flowers*. The staff armed hobbits certainly helped the hobbits on the right flank. But Pete and Brutus were doing a successful job in beating down the hobbits on the left flank. 

* I am certainly glad I didn't spend a lot of time making them and they are £2-3 each for the official ones.  

Pip proving that he is not easily target for Sharkey's rogues and managed to score a wound on Brutus but he managed to save his Fate roll. The hobbits also wounded Bill (and he also  was saved by Fate) but the causalities were mounting up on the hobbit side. 

NB- The game ends when the hobbits are reduced to 25%. 

With eight casualties, the hobbits passed their Morale tests but one more casualty would finish the game. Bill had only caused one casualty, so he needed to cause one more casualty by the end of the turn.  

Pip was not so lucky facing Strong Armed Pete and fell to blows from the burly henchman. But Bill lost his combat and game was a draw. 

After the Battle

The Hobbits

After the battle, Pip made a full recovery and gains Fell Sight.

Alf lived up to his Nickname and gained a point to his Fight value. 

The Ruffians 

Strong Armed Pete proved that he becoming battle hardened and  gained a point of Courage. 

And finally Brutus gained a point of Strength which fits his giant stature. 

So, with the changes to the victory conditions and the enhancements to the troops, this was much a closer game than the original. With both sides having chances to win the game. And the first draw of the campaign. 


Friday, March 14, 2025

Finishing a Project

Radagast Done

Radagast was the last mini to be painted in order to complete the 'Escape from Goblin Town' box set. And so completes this project. 

A couple of finished shots of Radagast.

More Ruffians 

Finished off the first of my new ruffians, to boost Sharkey's bullies and rogues. Ready for the next battle. 

And Because it is Friday Night


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Painting the many Shades of Brown

 Almost Ready to Return to the Shire

Most of my painting time has been applying the many different browns to Radagast. But he is now nearly finished! And I can return to my Shire campaign. However, need some more ruffians, hobbits and scenery before I can play the next 'official' scenarios. 


Friday, March 7, 2025

Green & Pleasant Land

 More Scenery for the Shire

Not a lot of time for hobbying at the moment but I did manage to finish off a bit more scenery for my Shire campaign. This time it was a vegetable patch. I even recycled few bits from the old mark one, in this case the sign and some of the veg. 

Not tonight's beer, but I very nice one I had while away. 


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Death of Lotho

Yes, Really 


Again, both sides used Influence points to add a minor hero, Strong Armed Pete for Ruffians and Pip Proudfoot for the hobbits. The hobbits also managed to add two hounds, and two hobbits had already picked up stones. Lotho was obviously suspicious that something was up!

The Battle

This was a short game with Worm turning up with the second counter when all of the hobbits were already engaged with the ruffians. Despite surviving a turn in combat with Worm. Lotho's luck ran out and he was struck down in the second turn of combat. 

To be honest I forgot about Lotho's  Considerable Wealth rule but since it was only Worm that attacked him, I didn't think it really applied anyway. 

After the Battle

Pip gained experience for shooting a ruffian and Pete gained experience for being on the winning side. 

Radagast Progress

After a small purchase of some new brown paints, work continues on Radagast. 


Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard

Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho', I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have a Grima mini, that I painted about twenty years ago.  But also had a 'spare' one in the lead pile so decided I it was time to paint up up a new one. As I am not really a fan of the Worm sculpt from GW, but I am quite happy with the Grima mini. 

By this stage of the Lord of the Rings - Grima (Worm) has been having a really bad time after being kicked out of Isengard. So, I wanted my mini to look like Grima had fallen on hard times. With plenty of dirt and distressing on his clothes. Which I simulated with light dotted lines along the wear lines of the clothes. 

Photo Update - 01 Mar 2025

I like this photo better. 

Work also progresses on painting up Radagast, I still need to get more different browns to stop him, looking like he has been painted with one pot of paint!


Monday, February 17, 2025

Toll Collecting

 Not as Easy as the Ruffians Think!

Time to go off script and play a scenario around the toll booth. So, the toll booth was set up with a ruffian on duty and three sets of hobbits attempting to smuggle contraband pass the check point. In the guard hut were six ruffians including Brutus. And lurking on the southern baseline was Paladin Took and three Tookish hunters. 


Paladin Took has realised that the ruffians are gathering up all of the winter supplies and so has arranged for spare stores to be brought to the deep holes of Took clan. He has planned to meet the brave farmers prepared to break the rules just past the checkpoint. So, if necessary he can help if needed. 

No specials or force changes were made as this is my scenario. So, it is (mostly) my fault if it isn't balanced. 


The pigs have a move of 4” and are moved by the player with priority. Unless there is a mini with 1” of the pig in which case take a courage test, if passed then the pig can be moved 4” in the direction of the controlling player. Otherwise the player with priority moves them. Neither side may harm the pigs. 

The Battle

The hobbit's attempt to smuggle through the check point was done using a card system. The deck was divided into red (hobbits) and black (ruffians)cards. Three cards in turn were turned over for each side  with the highest card in each pair winning that pair. So, if the hobbit wins two of the three pairs then the hobbit has managed to convince the ruffian to let them through the checkpoint. If two of the smugglers manage to do this then it will be a very short game! As to win the hobbits need to get two supply carts off the southern base edge. 

The game begins as the first hobbit approaches the toll booth. 

The first cart is through as the hobbits win the first two pairs. 

The second hobbit approaches with two pigs but things do not go to plan. 

The hobbits lose the first pair and the second pair is tied (after the hobbits played their joker and drew a second card) but then they lose the third pair. So, the ruffian raises the alarm. Now, ruffians rush from the guard  hut and Paladin goes to investigate. 

Brutus heads for the toll booth and the two of the smugglers. But sends most of his ruffians to deal with Paladin and his hunters. Both sides shoot quite a few arrows at each other but none manage to find their target in the entire game. 

Brutus once again lives up to his reputation and dispatches the hobbit guiding the pigs. The other combats are inconclusive. 

The hobbits were generally luckier with priority and ruffian attempting to herd the pigs cannot get them stop following the cart towards the hobbit baseline. 

The combats go back and forth but the hobbits continue to move their smuggled loot towards the safety. But not all things go all the hobbits way as Paladin is wounded (By the black hat ruffian) and he fails both of his fate rolls. 

I managed to miss taking pictures for a couple of turns  but Paladin and couple of the hunters hold up the ruffians while the first cart escapes. And then Brutus and one of the ruffians take down Paladin but it is almost too late for them to stop the hobbits. 

The ruffians pass their Courage test and continue their pursuit of the hobbits. 

Brutus realises he is in big trouble if more of the hobbits escape. So, he dashes all of his remaining rogues towards the remaining hobbits. 

Brutus managed to catch the cart handler just as he reaches safety. But is to no avail as the hobbit beats him back. The hobbits then win priority and the second cart escape. The remaining hobbit leaves the pigs to Brutus and  disappears into the dusk. 

And the hobbits have won. 

After the Battle. 

After the battle Paladin made a full recovery and gains a point of Might, proving that Tooks are tough!  But he did have to use one influence point to recover all of his Fate. 

Brutus did gain a bit more experience but will have explain his failure to Sid. 


The Uprooting of Bagshot Row

Bill is in Trouble Again This is another one of those scenarios that feels very unbalanced even with my standard changes  to the troops. The...