Friday, November 29, 2024

Dakka Dakka & Now Snippy Snippy

 Looking Like A Proper Ork Dreadnought

Adding the pincers has really changed the look of the dreadnought and now makes it look right (at least in my head!). Just the rocket launcher to go. 

Now on to the beer.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Dakka Dakka

First of the Big Guns

A big dread needs a big gun, so I added and autocannon and started  work on a rocket launcher. At the moment it looks a bit over the place but I am hoping once I add some more detailing and a base colour. It will start to pull together. 


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Ork Dreadnought Started

 How Many Paint Lids Does it Take to Make a Dreadnought?

Four* apparently when I am making one! This week, my random projects continues. This has been on the 'To Do' list for several years but this year I actually do round to starting the ork dreadnought. Now many people have showcased their scratch built ork dreadnoughts and this one is no different. 

I am inspired to build an original Rogue Trader style dreadnought with four arms. Known as the Super Attack Onslaughter Dreadnought. Obviously arms still to do, loads of detailing and a ton of rivets to give it the right look. But the basic shape is now in place. 

*Two old Citadel ones for the top and bottom and two different Humbrol ones for the middle and the very top bit. 

Back in WD100, Ork dreadnoughts came in two varieties:  two and four armed variants. I had a couple of two armed dreads but no four armed monster. So, this one has got to be the four armed type. I particularly like the pincer claws so my dread has got to have a pair of them.  

While the diagram shows a heavy plasma gun and a lascannon, this doesn't feel very orky as you can't shout 'Dakka Dakka' as you watch a enemy quietly melt from a plasma gun blast. So, my dread will have at least one heavy shooter and probably a few missiles. As who doesn't love a few fireworks. 

One of the 'proper' ones from Suber at Old School Workshop Super Attack Onslaughter Dreadnought

This is going to a cheapside project with all of the bits coming from the bits box, the garage and a few odd bits of Lego. 


Monday, November 25, 2024

Sometimes I Just Paint Stuff

There Wasn't Really a Plan

When I sat down for a painting session this afternoon, I didn't have any idea what I was going to paint. There are plenty of logical choices such as Slann which have been waiting their turn. But instead I ended up painting the Easter Alternia. I know not even the right session! But anyway that what I wanted to paint, so I did. 

Although she could bolster the ranks of my Slaaneshi warband. 


Friday, November 22, 2024

Let There be light

Its Dark in Those Tunnels

Apparently I need a few light sources for the Oakbound Advent calendar, so I made a few candles and raided the bit box for a lantern. 


Only 9 days to go...

I will have to find some beer, so no Friday night beer 😟yet!



Sunday, November 17, 2024

The Zombie Horde

Now Up to Seventy

Finished the few last Kings of war zombies miniatures. Including a few revenant bodyguards for the emissaries of life and death. 


Friday, November 15, 2024

Oakbound Mount Silence Board Finished

 Now Just Waiting for Advent

Do still still have to make a few lanterns but the board is done 😁. 

Board done now time for a ….


Monday, November 11, 2024

Mount Silence at Night

Part 3 - All the Rooms Done

All of the rooms are now finished and the corridors are next on the to do list. I also need to build some doors and lanterns. 

To be honest I wasn't sure how well it would fit together as I didn't have a big enough bit of foam board to do it all in one go. So, the rooms and corridors were built separately.  They needed a bit of trimming, but now the rooms and corridors mostly fit together. 

Copyright Oakbound Studios

The wooden floor didn't turn out as well I would have liked, because the contrast paint tended to pool rather than spread out. Which was probably to do with glue stopping the paint from absorbing. So, In the end I just painted it all with regular paints and dry brushed the detail. 


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Mid-Week Post

More Oakbound Prep

After completing the bottom of the ladder yesterday, today was the turn of the top. I wanted the top to have a bit of depth, so raised it up. The ladder was the dug out of the loft bits box. It is an old LotR Uruk Hai Helm's deep one. 

Copyright Oakbound Studios



Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Prep for Oakbound Advent

Dungeon Bash

So, I have one Oakbound's Christmas Advent calendars and I thought I would turn the 2D scenery tiles into some 3D ones. Now I have resisted the temptation to open the calendar early but Geoff from Oakbound shared some extra tiles on his monthly newsletter. So, it felt like a bit of prep I could get done prior to December. 

Here's what it should have looked like. I decided to go for a classic grey stone rather than a sandstone but I do plan some different colour stones for some of the other sections. 

Copyright Oakbound Studios


Friday, November 1, 2024

Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?

 And the Last Zombie

Obviously as it is Halloween this week, and I had to shoot some zombie targets. Naturally I also had to follow this through with some zombie minis. This resulted in putting together the last Kings of War zombie (plus a few friends), I had from my bargain box last year. As well as rebasing a few odd revenants, I used as painting testers for the wild elves. These can now all be used my zombie regiment which brings it up to seventy. 

At least I might have slowed him down a bit!

The last of the KOW zombie split between two minis. 

Cleaning Paint Pots

I came across this on YouTube video. So, I can't take credit but up now I have been digging out the dried paint with a metal dental tool. 

  1. Pull the lid and attaching ring off the paint pot. These usually come off quite easily. 
  2. Invert the paint pot lid by pushing on the middle. Some lids seem easier than others, But all of the ones I tried popped out ok. Pull off the dried paint ring. 
  3. Reattach the lid. 

The Amazon leader ready for battle. 

Nothing fancy tonight, but a relaxing Friday night beer. 


Sharkey's Henchman

Traitor from Isengard Before I can play the next scenario 'The Death of Lotho' , I need a mini to represent Worm, I do have Grima mi...